Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Google Office Bamboozle Adds PowerPoint

Google last week added a PowerPoint viewer to Gmail, then this week announced the acquisition of Zenter, developer of a web-based PowerPoint-like application. This follows CEO Eric Schmidt's April announcement that a presentation component was coming to Google applications by year-end.

As we have previously discussed (Google Bamboozles Microsoft, Bamboozle Update, Bamboozle Update 2), Google continues to give Microsoft fits with its bamboozle attack on Microsoft Office. This attack is intended to divert some Microsoft resources away from improving search to instead defend Office against the Google threat. This theme is amplified in the previous posts on this subject and in my book, Attacking The Crown Jewels.

I bet someone in Google is responsible for assuring that Steve Balmer and Ray Ozzie have at least one bad night each month as the result of a Google Office bamboozle announcement.

Copyright © 2007 Philip Bookman

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