Monday, November 27, 2006

AGLOCO Launches Web 22 Site

A few weeks ago in a post entitled Web 22 - Where Everybody Has A Share, I said that "In the next web era, which I call Web 22, we will pay people to visit web sites, pay them more to click on ads, and pay more again if they then actually buy something." It did not take long for Silicon Valley start-up AGLOCO to run with this idea. Last Monday, they launched their Web 22 site that embodies the Web 22 mantra, "Where everybody has a share."

AGLOCO stands for "A Global Community" that the home page says is "entirely owned by its users" and where you can "get your share of the Internet." Here is how it works. You register and provide personal information like name, email address, age, city, state and zip code. You also must agree to allow AGLOCO access to your browsing history and install the AGLOCO viewbar in your browser. The viewbar displays ads targeted to you based on the web page you are viewing and what AGLOCO knows about your browsing history and demographics. You get shares in AGLOCO for surfing the web. You also get shares for referring people to AGLOCO and for their surfing activity. Yes, everybody has a share.

Shares, shares, shares! AGLOCO is owned by it members. It makes money by signing deals with companies that give it a cut of the purchases you make when those targeted AGLOCO ads direct you to their sites. You share that revenue for each such purchase with AGLOCO. And, as a shareholder, you share AGLOCO's profits that come from its cut of all member generated revenue, less, of course, expenses. Everybody has a share.

Milo would love this.

Copyright © 2006 Philip Bookman

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