Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Strategy 101 - Vision And Mission Example

Opera Software is based in Oslo, Norway. It develops web browser software for a wide variety of devices, from PCs to cell phones. Here are Opera's vision and mission statements, as they appeared on their web site in 2007:

Our vision is to deliver the best Internet experience on any device on all major platforms.

We strive to develop a superior Internet browser for our users through state-of-the-art technology, innovation, leadership and partnerships.
The vision is simply and clearly stated. Whatever the state of the art is in Internet technology, Opera's goal is to provide the best "experience" pretty much everywhere ("on any device on all major platforms"). Today, that experience means a web browser, but note that the vision is more open ended. The implication of always being the best also implies forever leading in innovation.

The mission statement spells out how Opera is pursuing its mission now. The "what" and "who" are directly stated in the phrase "a superior Internet browser for our users." The "how" is equally straightforward: "through state-of-the-art technology, innovation, leadership and partnerships."

This is an excellent example of how vision drives mission. If you work for Opera, the vision statement makes clear where your company is going and the mission statement is an unambiguous guide you can use in the present to make decisions and focus on what is important to the company's success.

Copyright © 2007 Philip Bookman

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