Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Odds and Ends

Some updates on topics we've been following:

The Google Bamboozle Continues
Google has added Google Docs and Spreadsheets to "Google Apps for Your Domain" and has renamed the suite "Google Apps Premier Edition." GAYD included Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Talk, and Page Creator. This new incarnation of "Google Office" thus bundles word processing, spreadsheet, email, calendar, instant messaging and web page authoring at a per user subscription cost of $50 a year, targeted at small businesses. There is also a free ad-supported version available to the general public.

As we have previously discussed (Bookman's Business: Google Bamboozles Microsoft, Bookman's Business: Bamboozle Update, Bookman's Business: Bamboozle Update 2), Google continues to give Microsoft fits with its bamboozle attack on Microsoft Office. This attack is intended to divert some Microsoft resources away from improving search to instead defend Office against the Google threat. This theme is amplified in the previous posts on this subject.

This announcement tweaks the Softies just as Office 2007 is rolling out. Google does not care about making much money on this venture. They do care about protecting their crown jewels, advertising-supported search. Distracting Microsoft with the Google Office bamboozle is a great way to do this at little cost to Google.

Apple and Cisco Agree To Share
Cisco Systems has agreed to allow Apple to use its trademarked iPhone name for its new cell phone. According to the announcement, Cisco continues to also be able to use the iPhone name. Cisco won some concessions for future interoperability with Apple products, though the details were vague. Apple does not have a history of playing well with others, so I suspect Cisco won some major concessions from the Cupertino control freaks. For background on this, see Bookman's Business: Perhaps It Is Cisco That Is Silly.

Attacking The Crown Jewels Is Off To Be Printed
My new book on strategic competitive defense, Attacking The Crown Jewels, had gone gold and is in the printing process. It should be available in about a month. For more information, see

Copyright © 2007 Philip Bookman

Technorati: , Strategic Planning, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Cisco

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