Friday, March 02, 2007

Odds and Ends

Some updates on topics we've been following:

Google's JetBlue Stumble
Many Google service users yesterday experienced hours of outages or slow service, many for up to ten hours. This seems to especially have impacted Gmail and Blogger users. Google's statements about this were vague and lame. They neglect to mention that some Gmail users lost messages.

Google does not seem to understand how to handle this sort of thing. There is no single place a user can go to get clear, accurate, understandable network or service status information for Google services. When information is made available, it is vague. This comes as Google rolls out "Google Apps Premier Edition" in an attempt to get businesses to switch from Microsoft Office. This will go nowhere as long as Google leaves its users stranded on the runway for hours or cancels their flights--oops, sorry, wrong company, right analogy

Oracle Buys Hyperion
Larry Ellison continues to bulk-up Oracle with the $3.3 billion purchase of performance management leader Hyperion Solutions. This move further expands the depth and breadth of Oracle enterprise business applications. Oracle continues its role as the consolidator in this market. After absorbing rivals Seibel Systems and PeopleSoft, Ellison has methodically added targeted capability in niche after niche. His buying spree has resulted in thirty deals and cost over $20 billion. Meanwhile, rival SAP seems stuck looking inward at its management succession and development issues.

Copyright © 2007 Philip Bookman

Technorati: , Strategic Planning, Google, Oracle

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